Monday, June 25, 2012

bpd friend

Out of all the people I have lost in this life, she is one of the ones I miss the most.  I felt a connection with her on that wavelength that only people who have felt the true depths of depression know.  There were often non-verbalized moments between us when the rest of the world would vanish, just a shared moment in time when our eyes would meet and that understanding was there.  More than compassion or sympathy but a true knowing of sadness.  

If you've ever had someone in your life who has borderline personality disorder you probably know how confusing and explosive those relationships are.  Within those turbulent waters we those moments together, a sisterhood of sadness.  We haven't spoken in almost a year; not a day has gone by I haven't glanced over, wishing I could meet her eyes on our own wavelength.  If I saw her today I would tell her I'm not all bad, I miss you so much.

Currently reading Get Me Out of Here: My Recovery From Borderline Personality Disorder by Rachel Reiland. 

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